Sunday, January 3, 2010

she lies awake.

you pass thousands of people everyday.
in cars, on the train, down the street.
people with their own insignificant problems and fears.
we walk down the street without a care in the world about the people we are passing.
their names. their problems.
their stories.

people who could be molded and changed to become better
if only they believed they could.

in this life we are pigeonholed to become mediocre.
by our parents, teaches, friends. ourselves

but really, who are you?
have you ever truly asked yourself that question.
are you happy?

"all that we are is the result of what we have thought" - budda

now im not a huge believer in that which i cant see.
and even half the stuff i see i still dont believe.
but how dare the world tell you what you can and cant do.

who are you not to be beautiful, talented, adventurous.

Its time this world celebrated accomplishments,
not alienated those who strived for better.

without dreamers we wouldnt have anything in our lives.
space travel, telephones, computers, internet, cars, planes.

success is not given.
it doesn't just fall into your lap.
you have to chase your dreams, hold on to them with two hands

and never let go.

you can to anything you set your mind too.
whether its education, sports, love.

the world is yours to discover. to enjoy.
to conquer.

so plan for today.
to be better then you were yesterday.

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