Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Running Free

I beg you to sit back and take stock of your life.

Think about all the memories. The good and the bad ones. And the insignificant ones. Think about your epic failures. And your greatest achievements. Take stock of all the people you've hurt, and those that hurt you. I beg you to just take a minute to think about everything that really matters to you.

Your fights with your best friends. Your goals you didn't achieve. The insignificant memories you've forgotten. The mistakes you never learnt from.

Are you the best person you could be? Are you patient, kind, loving, caring. Forgiving? Can you wipe your hands to the past and better yourself in the future?

Now, remember your greatest success.

Did you savor that moment or did you rush on in a blur of excitement over your own glory?

I rushed mine.
So overwhelmingly excited that my failures were all behind me. So disillusioned into thinking that i never had to deal with struggle or pain or failure because i had shown myself that i CAN achieve anything i set my mind too. I thought all my hard work had finally paid off and i can start taking it easy and it will all take care of itself.


The minute you hit the top their is only one way to go.


And its enviable. Sure, you believe you'll always be on top, you have too otherwise you wont last for a second. But in reality, once your on top, the entire world has now put a target on your back. They're going to be after you like there's no tomorrow. Yeah, one day people will catch you. One day you will fall from grace. The hardest thing about being on top, is staying on top. The key is to be prepared for the fight to stay on top for as long as you possibly can.

You wont win every time. But its important to never expect defeat.
Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. The minute you start thinking about losing, you've already lost. Once your on top, you have to work harder then you ever had to in your entire life just to stay there. All eyes will be on you and the pressure will wear you thin. You will need to be strong. Humble. Courageous, in victory and defeat. But never forget who you are. Or where you came from. Never forget that success that threw you into the spotlight. Remember those who stood by your side when you were less successful.

After you've worked hard to get what you want, take the time to enjoy it.

Don't let your passions become your job. A chore. Never lose your grip on your love for it.
Its only then you can truly be freeee.

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