Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dont give up on you.

Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.

The biggest challenge we will ever face in life is ourselves. What we believe about ourselves and how we perceive ourselves both stem from what we think about ourselves. The mind is a powerful tool. Like a computer, it is easily programmable, adapting and performing according to the specifications of the information received. For that reason, it is important to realize that if you don't control your mind somebody else will.

How many people have never achieved a goal, or a dream, or even stepped out to try because someone told them, "You can never do that! You're not smart enough! You're not talented enough!" That information was processed, then programmed into the "computer," and the thought patterns and actions adapted to coincide with what was accepted as fact or reality. One of the great paradoxes of life is that many of us believe things about ourselves that are not even true. It is important to realize that a lie is as powerful as the truth, if you can get someone to believe it.

Many people have held back in certain areas because of the things that they believe about themselves. They think thoughts like: "Well, I don’t know…." "I'd be embarrassed." "My mother may not like it." "My father may not like it." "They may not like what I have to say." "What if I fail?" Many dreams remain only dreams, never becoming reality, and die unborn because of the belief in the negative words of others or because of poor thinking that produces low self-esteem.

Take some time to examine the stories that you believe about yourself. Are there areas in which you have held back, or are there dreams and goals that you are not pursuing because of what others think or have said about you? Don't let others control your mind. Look at where you have come from, what you have attained, and what you have accomplished so far. Take those achievements and begin to reprogram your thinking. Take control of your mind and begin believing in yourself and seeing yourself as successful.

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