Thursday, April 8, 2010

Out from the darkness into the light.

There are two types of people in this world.
Those that let things just happen to them.
and those that make things happen.
Unfortunately, the past 6 months i have been just let things happen.
This season has been such an adventure. And ive just been hanging on for the ride.
Id hate to say it, but this season was easy. not easy in the sense that i didnt have to work hard. but easy in the way that im not working any harder then usual yet every time i hit the track im getting a PB. Its both a blessing and a curse. Its good that all the hard work over the last 16 years is finally paying off but now im used to things just happening. im used to being given the win. given the PB. but i dont think Nationals is going to be so easy. Its definitely mine for the taking, as long as i rise to the challenge.
Its time to make this happen.

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