Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dont Let It Pass You By.

Its amazing what we, as people and as athletes are truly capable of.

Over the last year i have been told over and over and over again that i cannot do it.
That i cant run a B-qualifier.
That i cant PB by that much in one season.
That i just cant do it.
It's Impossible.

But i believe in myself, when no one else did, i believed so purely and worked so hard that massive impossible achievements became possible.

Looking back now, i remember i was asked by a certain coach, "why not aim higher?"
I scoffed at the thought.
Higher? Thats absurd, Im already aiming for something beyond anyones capabilities and expectations.
Im already aiming for the impossible.
And he wanted more.
I thought, 'how unrealistic is that?'
i even remember wondering if he was taking the piss.

But it wasnt until today that i realised.
An A-qualifier is very very possible.
and i began to realise, that someone like me,
with unwavering believe
with daring impossible dreams
i began to realise i hadnt set the bar high enough
i am no different to everyone else
and there was a limit to my own belief
i had resigned myself to only a B.
i had put walls up infront of me
and i had shot myself in the foot.

I like to believe that i know what im capable of,
but i, just like everyone else, have no idea whats within me.
maybe the truth is my capabilities are endless.
maybe i could conquer the world, if only i believed i could.

my friends ask me all the time: "Do you think you'll ever win an olympic medal"
i laugh and tell them, "im not talent, just hard work, and hard work will only get you so far"
but who's to say im not talented.
who's to say one day i wont win a medal.
who's to say what i can and cant do.

i'd like to think that I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith.
but i havent.
i am limited in my success because i was trying to be "realistic"
but again, my body knows only the boundaries of the mind.

not anymore.

"you have to think anyways,
so why not think big!"

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