Thursday, May 6, 2010

The thing i want most in life, cannot be bought nor sold. But earned.

think, really hard.
&& ask yourself.

are you doing enough?

are you working hard enough,
are you looking after yourself good enough,
are you doing everything you can?

if the answer is yes, then your a lying fraud and you should stop reading this blog and go be mediocre else where, coz the truth is, you could always be doing more.

more reps.
more speed.
more strength.
more technique.
more smiles.
more laughs.
more hugs.

more sleep.

more, more, more.

but when can you sit back and say, i have done enough.
well, you cant really.
There are only a few people in this world that can say they have done enough.
Usain Bolt: 100m World Champion, Olympic Champion, World Record Holder, Olympic Record Holder.
Lance Armstrong: 7 time Tour De France winner and cancer survivor.

There are others who fit this catigory of the most amazing athletes we have ever seen but i have chosen these two for a reason.

The feats both these athletes have accomplished are phenomenal.
Yet both of these athletes have never once said "I've done all i can do"
Bolt is still chasing down his own world record.
Armstrong is training for yet another tour de france win.

so dont sit there and tell yourself you are doing enough
because the truth is you can always be doing more
you'll always have to do more

There is no end to how hard you have to work.

it'll always be harder, harder, harder..
until your day is done.

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