Sunday, March 16, 2014

fear is a liar

It's the most unreasonable emotion you can have as an athlete. 
What are you afraid of? 
Fear will cage you. 
Fear will cripple you, it will tell you that you can't do this, that you're not good enough and that you're not worthy. 
fear will bully you, it will hold you down and rub your face in the mud.
It will deceive you, demoralise you, dominate you, captivate you and make you think that it's in charge.
Fear will take over like a decease if you let it.
The only antidote is to believe.
And do you know what I believe?
I believe fear is a liar.

The only place fear exists is in your mind, but thats also where your dreams reside.
Only one can live there. so who will you lease the space to?