Wednesday, October 24, 2012

this is it.

that feeling.
do you feel it?
in the pit of your stomach
in the depths of your heart

its a spark.
lighting a match.
resonating through my soul
settling on my bones

this is what ive been waiting for
this is the feeling
the undeniable belief
the unexplainable courage

there is no doubt or fear
no cant or wont
i can and i will
no maybes.

i'm ready
i will show you what im made of
i was born for greatness
i know whats within me
just you wait and see.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

open the gates.

one week until it all starts again

im getting a little bit sick of reflecting.
a little bit sick of being patient.
blocking out every bit of the fire in my stomach.

its been 18 months since i really let loose.
18 months of sedation
sitting on the side lines instead of on the front line.

theres is something burning deep within me
something that needs to be let out.
Agitation and anger consumes it,
ignored and hungry.
its roaring.
its thrashing.

it's ready.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

what is strong?

is it a muscle, or something more?
is it measured in miles? or milliseconds?
is it your best time?
or your worst day?

maybe strong is just what you have left when you've used up all you weak.

my body is my weapon

this is how i fight

this is my weapon

how i defeat my enemies
how i win my war
how i make victory mine.

this is my weapon

this is how i fight.