Thursday, September 30, 2010


i ran at uni games yesterday on a strained hammy.
its been stuffed for about 3 weeks now and i recently re-hurt it on monday while being a idiot.
so i ran yesterday, despite every bone in my body telling me not to
so nervous of actually tearing it and having to sit out another month
but lucky for me, i still won
honestly, its the first time in my life i actually thought to myself, "hey, im pretty good at this"
because i jogged, and i mean JOGGED, and i limped over the line, almost hopping, and i still won by a bit.  yeah, competition wasnt amazing, obviously, but there were still a couple of girls in the race i consider to be decent hurdlers.
and apparently i ran my 4th fastest time ever. ahah but i jogged and limped literally the whole way and i think it was closer to 14.6 then 13.6. but how electronic timing stuffed that one up ill never know?

some time you have a run of bad luck,
for 6 weeks ive been injured
probs another 2 weeks easily still to go.
ive competed twice,
through pain you couldnt even understand while being injured.
because when a good opportunity comes up,
wether your injured or not.
you need to work out just how important is that comp to you.

honestly, if its important enough.
id run through anything.