Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the question isn't "how much more can you take?"
But "how much more you can give?"
Just when you're ready to quit.
Your mind says "push harder".
You listen, sensing an inner strength that wasn't there before.
&& suddenly you discover -- you no longer feel pain.

only a burning desire to do what others cant or wont.
only a burning desire to win.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

outside pressure and expectations is the motivation required to be the best.

you have to expect things of yourself before you can achieve them

Friday, August 20, 2010


hope can unite people
destroy people

or in my case
keep me breathing

hope brought me back from the brink and rewarded me far greater then i could ever imagine

great north city games babbbeyyyy

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

out of my control

hope is a dangerous thing for an athlete to have

Thursday, August 5, 2010

my sport is your sports punishment

I'm on the track 11 hours a week
I'm in the gym 5 hours a week
I've got yoga 3 hours a week
&& pilates 3 hours a week
Pool sessions 4 hours a week
Recovery session 7 hours a week

Then I'm expected to be at uni 6 hours a week
Study 5 hours a week
In the kitchen 14 hours a week
&& an extra 7-10 hours cleaning and washing

I'm up before 6 making lunches
I'm in bed around 10
2 hours a week is spent in chiro
&& Another hour is spent in massage

Not to mention i walk the dog 7 hours a week
spend about 9 hours a week getting ready, showering etc
&& I'm required to have 4 hours minimum every day as "down time" between sessions.
where i am supposed to do very little mentally or physically hard (which i generally dont get)

which leaves me 53 hours a week to sleep.
divide that by 7, giving me 7 hours sleep a night.
Thats if i'm lucky && everything goes to plan.
which it usually doesn't.
But every minute i spend doing something "fun" away from this schedule is a minute less i get to sleep.

&& If you were to ask me if it was worth it.  
I'd say yes everytime.

so how about you fuck off and give me a break
you wouldnt know what hard work looked like even if it punched you in the face


Monday, August 2, 2010

the shine of which has caught my eye

now is not the time to dwell on he past or rush into the future
now is not the time to worry about winning or even worry about racing
now is not the time to enjoy a welcomed break or let the mind wonder
now is the time to prepare for battle
now is the time to push yourself to the point of death
now is the time for the hard work to get harder
now is the time to make sure those mistakes NEVER happen again
now is the time to remember how it felt
now is the time to show a little courage
now is the time to stand up against the odds 
now is the time
now is my time